Maintain an excellent online presence with ORM services

According to basic business principles, the goodwill of a company translates to its revenue. ORM or Online Reputation Management works along the same line of concept. In this day and age, when there’s finally a two-way communication between the buyer and the seller, the possibility of a negative image is definitely possible. ORM services are the need of the hour for businesses of each scale. What is ORM? ORM or Online Reputation Management is a way of monitoring and reacting to negative publicity or image of the company formed by various stakeholders online. Under ORM, one has to keep a regular check on mentions of the company’s or brand’s name on social media or other platforms. PR and ORM: A thin line of difference It is natural to get confused between PR (Public relations) and ORM as both work toward a similar goal of maintaining the right image of the company and withholding its reputation in the market. The difference lies in the methodology and strategies used. PR wor...